Kung Fu is cool, but not on the pista...
Codigos we encourage... and some things that are just polite
- mirada
making eye contact to open up the opportunity for an invitation to dance, we say "Sí señor!"
- cabeceo
a small nod that says "Would you like to dance?" and or "Yes, I want to dance with you." , we say "Muy lindo!"
- being a caballero
when a man escorts the woman onto and off the floor at the end of the tanda, we say "Así me gusta!"
- being human
if a collision happens, an apology should follow, whether it's an acknowledgement between the dancers, or a 'Sorry, are you ok?' at the end of the song. We say "Hermoso!"
- line of dance
If you didn't know it is anti-clockwise, one step back is forgivable, but then we say "Basta!"
- good floorcraft
We could write an essay here, key points for leaders to remember are; you are not on a racing track, so don't tailgate the partner ahead and overtake them by switching lanes, in fact let's not even call them lanes.
See instead if you can keep a steady distance between yourselves and the couple ahead and behind whilst dancing and following the same path. This will rule out dancing in the middle of the floor and other craziness. Connection between you and your partner, between the couple and the entire floor is Tango nirvana. Ladies, trust your partner's judgement and use your tango powers to connect to him, exercise discretion when being invited to fly (make a boleo) and a small squeeze to avoid an unseen collision is perfectly acceptable. We say "Así se baila en la milonga!"
No-nos at abrazos...
- teaching on the dancefloor, we say "Que feo!"
- dancing big in small spaces, we say "No es lógico!"
- agressive dancing aka 'tangocombat', we say "Necesito mi rodilleras!"
- not apologising if you've hurt someone, we say "No se hace!"
- doing unsolicited business in the milonga, handing out flyers, business cards, we say "Chau, Chau!"
We're not the Tango police, but don't make us mad. |